Lory Louves
Image: Hannah Faith Oni
Pictured: Artist; Lory Louves.
My mental health is so intertwined to my creativity.
The art I produce literally is the physical materialisation of my thoughts and emotions.
It is a real door into understanding what’s going on in my mind. Not necessarily for me but for my viewers. I tend to never really explain the meaning behind pieces but when I give some sort of emotional cue more than a full explanation, I can see how viewers can relate and how it allows them to go on their own journey to try and decipher pieces.
‘They end up being this two way mirror where they can see something that they can relate to because it reflects a part of them.’
Image: Hannah Faith Oni
(Lory Louves pictured with Yellow Celosia argentea cristata, also known as Cockscomb due to resembeling the head of a Rooster. Native to India; the flower was saved from extinction in cultivation by the religious significance attached to the variety by Indian, Burmese, and Chinese gardeners who planted it near temples).
Painting has been such an incredible tool in order for me to understand my mind, keep it at peace and harness so it becomes an ally rather than an enemy.